Чайра в поисках дома и любящей

Domestic Dogs

The problem of street animals in Russia has recently attracted considerable public attention. It is clear that the medieval barbaric methods that the authorities in most regions attempt to regulate the number of dogs and cats living on the streets, in addition to their blatant immorality, are not yet working.
The mass killing of animals doesn't improve the situation. The number of homeless animals is not lower.
The problem of homeless animals exists in countries where there is no control over the exploration of animal companies.
In Moscow alone, natural citizens produce hundreds of thousands of natural cats and puppies each year. Abundance of natural animals on sale at affordable prices deprives unnatural animals of the chances of being built.
Almost 100% of this business is illegal. Animals are scattered in apartments and day-to-day areas. Dogs and cats are often held in poor conditions, unsold cats and puppies are destroyed or dumped.
Unskilled manufacturers create unfair competition for professionals, for whom the aim is not to chase profit, but to procreate and preserve the breed.
The overshadowment of animals on the market has led to the fact that today a natural cat or a puppy can only be bought for a few thousand roubles. While the treatment of a sick pet is ten times more expensive.
In the end, old or sick pets are often ejected by irresponsible owners into the streets or surrendered to a shelter, and new living germs come to their place. Even young and healthy but unwanted animals are often euthanasia.

Limitation of activities Dog breeding and cats will help solve the problem of street animals and increase ownership.
A small breeding dog or cat can easily find new masters in a limited fashion.
The inevitable increase in the price of breeding animals will encourage the population to take their own pets from shelters.

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