Tendar Dog Bread Content
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/ Summary contents / Tandriakov B. / Bread for dogs
Vladimir Tendrak ' s childhood has passed in the bleak era of the post-revolutionary Russian Federation and the stalon repression, whose horror has remained in his memory the darkest trail of children ' s memories, which have formed the basis of the story "Bread for dogs" . Perhaps it was the effect of childhood impressions that helped the author to describe the events that had taken place in a small plant in which his first years had passed.
The same was the case in many other such villages: the stunned " living " peasants who had been sent to Siberia and who had not reached the point of contact had been thrown to death by starvation in a little baker in front of the villagers. Adults tried to walk around this terrible place. And the kids... “No horrors could obscure our beastly curiosity” is written by the author. “Okay of fear, excitement, out of fear, of hidden panic, we have observed...” The children were watching the death of the kurkule (this was referred to as " living " in the baker).
In order to increase the impression produced by the painting, the author uses the antithesis method. Vladimir Tendriakov describes in detail the horrendous scene of the death of the kurkull, which has been " incredibly growing " , covered by the broken radius with the smooth strong bereft, attached to it by a cheek, opened his mouth, just black, blindly toothy, was about to shout... Buntar crawled down the barrel and (...) wrapped us up. In this piece, we see a blunt, radiant hand to the smooth, strong bereathing. Such an acceptance leads to a greater perception of both individual fragments and the picture.
This description is followed by the philosophical question of the Chief of Station, the duty of the Service to monitor the " corn " What will grow out of such children? They love death. What kind of world will live after us? What kind of world? Such a question would sound like the author himself, who, many years later, was struck by the way he, an impressive boy, had not lost his mind in the form of such a scene. But he further recalls that he had previously witnessed hunger forcing " hidden " people to go to public humiliation. It's a bit of his soul.
I'm not astonished to stay indifferent to these starving people as a revelation. Yeah, he knew it was embarrassing to be sad, and he tried not to show it, but yet he was sneaking out the rest of his food to the corn. This has lasted for some time, but the number of beggars has risen and the boy could no longer feed more than two people. And then there was a breakdown of the " cure " as the author himself called him. One day at the fence of his house, there were many hungry. They're on their way back home. ♪ ♪