Собакам закон написан!

Private House Dog Rules

В случае пропажали питомца, сообщить об этом в соответствующую структуру нужно в течение 10 дней. Фото: Алексей БУЛАТОВIn the Peninsula, the Law " On the Maintenance and Protection against Abuse of Domestic Animals and Measures for the Safety of the Population in the RC " , developed at the initiative of the Public Chamber and Crimean Zoo Protection Organizations, came into force. Looks like it's in Tatarstan, Buryatia, Moscow province, and now it's up to us. " The Komsomol truth - Crime " has learned what conditions the owners of domestic animals will have to respect.

Перед тем как заводить дома кошечку или щенка, обсудить этот вопрос придется со всеми членами семьи. Фото: Анастасия КУРДЮКОВАCOMMITMENT

Buying a puppy or a kitten must be registered. I don't care if you bought a long terrier. of birth or an unnatural dog.

♪ The registration and re-registration are subject to dogs and cats from a two-month age, irrespective of the breed, in the document. Newly acquired animals must be registered within a week of purchase.

Выгуливать животных можно будет только в строго отведенных для этого местах. Фото: АрхивWhen registering, the holder will issue a certificate and a badge, and if desired, it may also be possible to identify the pet with a special mark or chip.


If your pet is lost, you'll have to report it within 10 days to an organization that registers the fourth. What is the specific structure and time frame for this to be done so far? The authorities promise to inform her of her work in advance.

Власти сейчас разрабатывают классификацию пород собак, которые будут делиться на бойцовские, агрессивные и другие виды, требующие специального ухода. Фото: Анастасия КУРДЮКОВАThe veterinarian's death must be reported within 24 hours.

In the case of missing pets, it is necessary to report this to the appropriate structure within 10 days. Photo:

From 23.00 to 7.00 - THICH CAS

If there's a huge bulldog in your apartment that loves to raise at night, or a few screaming cats around the clock, you'll have to be very caring and quiet with your pets. Between 2300 and 700 by law, quiet hour. Your four-legged friends shouldn't bother anyone. Otherwise, the neighbors have the right to complain to the ICP. And then, if you don't take action, by order of an animal court, they can take the shelter or make a fine.


The new instrument also resolves family disputes. If one of the family's members is against having a pizza at home, it won't work.

♪ If a number of people live in the apartment, the maintenance of animals is permitted only with the written consent of all adults living here, the law stipulates.

In the event of a conflict situation, a statement should be submitted to a special supervisory organization, which would be established shortly. If there's no contradiction, there's no need to take the paper anywhere.

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