Собаки в племенном питомнике

Dog Breeder In Ussurisk

The dog can be bitten not only from the life of the dog, but the correspondents have been convinced by watching how they grow, learn and serve the tailings of the GUFSIN at the Primare. Today, 21 June, all the forces celebrate the Film Day.

In the Maritime Corrections Department, they say that dogs are needed to be escorted by road, rail and air, to guard, search and apprehend fugitives, patrol the territory, search for drugs and explosives.

Currently, 275 dogs are serving in the GUFSIN institutions throughout the province. Since the beginning of the year, they have suppressed 42 attempts to deliver prohibited substances and objects. They seized 153, 969 grams of drugs, 19 cell phones, chargers, simcarts, alcohol-containing liquids, tremors and other prohibited items. It is almost impossible to replace dogs with automated systems, however, that relatives of prisoners are abducted to transfer “prohibited” in bottles with shampoo, cigarette filters, even with convoy cars (this dogs are trained to inspect vehicles).

From zero to six months, future service dogs are in a tribe, and this is where the drain starts. Today, half-year-old puppies have already been distributed and no newborn is allowed. But there are ten adult dogs, bitches. Five of them are tribes: Caucasus, Eastern European and German sheep. And another five is German sheep of repair head. They are all intended for tribal reproduction, selected throughout the country and purchased by tender. By the way, little dogs I don't think they're holding a Russian spaniel in the Navy, looking for drugs. Big dogs are supposed to have a better mentality and a better job. And the sheep is a universal breed, and the drugs will be found, and the master will protect, and the fugitive will catch up.

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