Home-Based Dog Content
The ban on animal content in apartments only touches wild animals
Many of the dog owners did not make a joke by reading on the Internet that Mosgormod was drafting a bill that would prohibit Moscow from holding large-scale dogs in apartment buildings. Jacoby told the journalists about this, the chairman of the Mosgordum Environmental Policy Commission of Zoya Zotov. It was noted that, in the view of the authors, such a ban was necessary to avoid possible attacks by large dogs on tenants.
It turns out that the correspondents of the telecanal interviewing the Metropolitan Deputor misinterpreted her remarks. "Starter, this is only about wild animals, "the Russian newspaper" is a member of Zotova. - As for the prohibition to contain large dogs, it's certainly misinformation."
According to parliamentarians, the draft law on the Animal World aims to minimize the removal of wild animals from the natural habitat. It is intended to prohibit the holding of large predators in apartments. These are primarily bears, lions, tigers, crocodiles and poisonous snakes. "In fact, house jaguar or bear is the reality of life in Moscow, "recognized Zotova. No one will say how such animals will lead themselves in the city."
Read as well.
The other day, there was a TV story about a mask that keeps on a balcony of racing. Journalists complained about the residents of one of the houses on Lapidevsky Street. According to them, they've been watching an unusual neighbour for seven years, and they're all afraid that one day the predator will plung himself into freedom and attack them. A man named Alexandre had a wild rust as a domestic pet. The beast lives on the 6th floor balcony, which will delay the volleyball grid.
If legislative changes are made, a man will have to turn his pet into a zoo or change his apartment to a private house. "Only in the past year, the city ' s residents found some 200 wild animals on the streets and in the megapolis parks, "the WP" in the press service of the Department of Environment and Environmental Management. - It was mostly invisible snakes, but there were also large predators: for example, in the Krukov Forest Park in Zelenograd, two bears were discovered."
Rules for the transport of domestic animals in rail transport are simplified
In Moscow, it was pointed out that changes in the law were being developed at the request of Moscow, which did not want to be neighboring with wild animals. Until the law forbids keeping an elephant in the house unless it's stolen.